Thursday, February 5, 2009

Overcoming Food Addiction

Overcoming food addiction is as difficult as overcoming any other addiction. In fact, it may be more difficult than some others because you can't just go cold turkey on eating. I think it would be easier to stop intaking food altogether than it is to limit the foods I eat. I have fought my addiction to food since I was about 6 years old. I was a normal sized child until that time. I had a fairly tramatic incident and I found comfort in food. Since then I use food for a comforter whenever I am stressed or sad or mad or scared or happy or... Actually I use food as an emotion changer much more than I do a form of sustenance.
I have other addictions such as being a workaholic and a little alcoholism although I have not drank for a few years. I have attended Al-Anon a lot and have developed a good handle on dealing with others addictions but now I need to learn how to deal with mine.
One of the important aspects of overcoming food addiction is to learn what triggers cause the overeating. As I said above my triggers are either stress related or celebratory in nature. I have lost sight of the true use of food and instead I use the food as a way to manipulate my emotions. I have given over the control of my life to food. This is a very common addiction scenario. I have lost the ability to keep my emotions in check by myself and so I look for something outside me, in this case food, to given me the emotional support I need.
There is also a physical aspect that needs to be addressed when learning how to overcome food addiction. I my case I go for high power carbohydrates when I need an emotional boost. Within a few minutes of visiting the candy and chip machine I feel an amazing rush of calmness and warmth flood over me. The simple sugars in the snack foods have a quick acting and dramatic affect on my brain chemistry so not only am I emotionally tied to the food addiction but I am also physically tied to it. Like other addicts I really enjoy that rush of great feelings that comes from manipulating my brain.
So I am fighting two aspects of addictive behavior. The emotional aspect and the physical aspect. The food addict in me is always looking to get that emotional high which comes from manipulating my brain chemistry. I am starting to view my life and my eating through the eyes of an addict like I need to. I am starting to change my eating habits which is a necessary step to overcoming food addiction.

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