Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dieting and Stress

Obesity rates are sky rocketing everyone agrees to that. In the US over 60% of the population is obese or overweight. People are starting diets and failing at amazing levels. Addiction rates are also rising all across this country. So what is going on? I think a lot of it has to do with stress and using substances outside of our bodies to control how we feel inside. Although their are a lot of illegal ways to do this there are also many legal ways. One of the easiest if food.
People have got to get back to the idea that food is not an entertainment item but a substance that is for the sustenance of life. It is really not surprising that so many people over eat and try one diet after another with no luck. Every where we look our senses are being bombarded with images of lushes, rich, high calorie food and the happy THIN people who are eating it. Subconsciously we are being manipulated and don't even know it.
The presentation of food in advertising images has been extended to an art form. Last night I was watching television and an ad came on for a pizza joint. The pictures of that pizza almost made me get up and go to the fridge and look for something greasy, and chewy to eat even though I wasn't hungry in the least. Luckily I caught myself before getting to the kitchen but it really showed how easy it is to me manipulated by these masters of the visual. Our diet and weight loss plans are shot almost before we start. It is no wonder we have such a hard time with weight loss and losing weight.
Being overweight is something I have struggled with my whole life. It runs in not only my immediate family but also in my extended family. Actually being overweight is one of the few things that do run in my family, the members sure don't. I have often wondered if we are all overweight because of our surroundings and upbringing or because of genetic factors. I am starting to think there is a genetic factor because members from other areas of the country are also overweight.
I'm not sure it matters because I still have to do something about my big fat belly. I also am starting to realize that I am the only person who can control it. The reality is I need to eat less and exercise more. Great, no pizza for me.

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