Monday, March 23, 2009

AreThere Natural Remedies For Food Addiciton?

Addiction is an enigma in the psychological world. Is it a disease or is a loss of will power or is it a caused by a chemical reaction in the brain that makes more people susceptible to losing control of their lives? Supposedly, people can be addicted to all sorts of things, including sex, work, danger, or exercise, which have nothing to do with ingesting a substance into their body. Unlike the alcoholic or drug addict, these people are not putting a substance into their body to change their mental state.
On the face of it then it would seem that addiction does not only deal with what goes in our mouth or what is sniffed up our nose or shot in our arm. Does this hold true for food addiction also? I think it does. There seems to be two components to people who are suffering from food addiction. First there is the psychological affect of the feelings a person feels when he or she eats. Food changes the chemistry in the brain and these changes can very easily be linked to particular mental states. As I have said before, my family is really good at using food as a means to control bad feelings. Are you sad? Then eat. Are you worried? Then eat. Are you happy do you want to celebrate? Then eat. Food has become more than a way to sustain our bodies it has become a comforter and an entertainment. This is just like the workaholic who gets satisfaction from working overtime and providing for his family, or the sexaholic who feels loved by having sex with strangers. The act is tied up with the emotions.
But there seems to be a chemical side to food addiction also. As we get farther and farther away from natural foods we are filling our bodies up with more and more manipulated substances. This is particular true in the field of drug medications. People are finding more and more that the old natural remedies your great-grandmother used are just as effective as the manipulated chemicals the drug companies put out. In fact most of the consumer drugs are nothing more than synthetic variation of the natural drugs that nature provides. They are synthesized because there is more profit. Go over to and find out about natural organic alternatives to prescription drugs and see how we are missing the boat with these non-natural remedies.
One of the areas of food manipulation I am interested in is carbohydrates. We have sky rocketing levels of obesity and diabetes in this country and part of it can be directly related to how we have super charged foods to flood our systems with simple sugars. For thousands of years are bodies were adapted to eating whole grains. By eating whole grains the intake of carbohydrates was slowed and thus the bodies blood sugar levels were more stable. Now with white bread and processed sugar this is no longer the case. The carbs are so easy to digest that we get a massive blood sugar load on our systems. This causes the pancreas to go into overdrive making insulin for the liver the metabolize the sugar. This wears out the pancreas and overshoots the insulin levels which now gives us low blood sugar so we do it again. This yo-yo affect can lead to pre-diabetes. The best way to deal with this is to eat a lot of foods that are low carb and mix zero carb foods with the high carb foods to balance them out.
Food addiction like all addictions is an anigma. Is it a disease, is it a choice, or is it a chemical reation? I think it has a component of all three and we must treat all three when trying to help people who suffer from food addiction.

1 comment:

  1. Found your post to be very informative, and true we humans can find we can become 'addicted' to all sorts of things. Psychological addictions can be as hard to break as the physical ones. It takes strength and perseverance, but it certainly can be done.
